Our Worship

Sundays 10:30 AM

Worship is at the heart of who we are here at Schoharie United Presbyterian Church. We believe the purpose of worship is to glorify God, and celebrate what God is doing within our lives and our community. In worship, we demonstrate the powerful vision God has for all of humanity - the way God has designed us to live together in harmony with others and with all the created order.

We love to worship & praise God, and you can find us doing just that all year...in our Sanctuary, out in the Streets, or under our Pavilion on a warm sunny day!

Follow our YouTube Channel where you can preview worship services and Bible Study: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6IkIMxq81MBKmzWXOpZZA



Years Serving Schoharie Valley

Established as a worshiping community of the Paletine refugees in the early 1700’s, the first pastor called to the congregation was Reverend Peter Nicklas Sommer in 1742.



Pastors over the years

Over the many years this congregation has had pastors from different denominations, Lutheran, Methodist, Reformed, and the current Presbyterian.



God at the heart of the service

Through all the changes, trying times, and joyful celebrations, there has always been One God at the heart of the service of the church.