September-June (beginning the Sunday after Labor Day Weekend) we worship in the Sanctuary starting at 10:30am.
Summer time worship has been in a variety of formats. In 2022 we remained in the sanctuary for the summer, keeping the worship time at 10:30am.
The worship service is primarily traditional, with opportunities for learning and engagement
Worship Summary
A reflective spiritual setting, a town with history, worship at Schoharie Presbyterian is:
a time of renewal
“it is like hitting the reset button”
sets you up for a good week
contemplative, restful, thoughtful
We have a wonderful organ, and a volunteer organist most mornings. When she is not available, we are still able to sing the favorite hymns because they are recorded on the organ.
Worship at SUPC is a time to walk the labyrinth of your mind, a safe space to examine where you are called. Each person in the sanctuary has our own demons that dwell; worship is a time to be with others also struggling and through the shared experience, gain strength.